I Can Count To Ten

I Can Count To Ten

I Can Count To Ten is an easy-to-use app to help children learn to count to ten using their fingers.

The app uses sounds, color, and animation to keep the attention of young children. Children are encouraged to follow along with the events on-screen. Cartoon hands are immediately recognizable by most children, so they feel comfortable. Repeating animations show the progression of extended fingers from one to ten. A playful voice speaks each number aloud as each finger moves. In the end, confetti goes everywhere, keeping the user engaged. πŸŽ‰

The child can interact with the app by tapping the numbers or swiping through the animations. If there is no interaction from the user, the hands will automatically count up to ten. The 3D hands are modeled after common cartoon characters. This design was important as it kept children engaged more than realistic hands. The playful animations mimic those of a TV cartoon while demonstrating how to count. πŸ“Ί

Count To Ten features sound by other children, to keep the user’s attention. Children are naturally drawn to higher-pitched voices, especially other children. The sound of other kids cheering at the end of the lesson makes the child feel happy and encouraged. πŸ—£οΈ

The simple UI is designed for young children. There are no menus, settings, or extra features. This prevents the user from accidentally clicking anything that they don’t need. The number buttons at the bottom let users pick any number they want to view, without needing to count in order. πŸ”’

Download I Can Count To Ten and see why thousands of parents and teachers love the app! πŸ“²β€οΈ