Chris DeWeese Dev Blog

Chris DeWeese Dev Blog

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I’ve been building and shipping apps across multiple roles and industries. As a product person, my main goal is understand my users and their needs, in oder to deliver a truly unique product that improves people’s lives.

As a lifelong gamer and app user, the transition from player to developer has been a remarkable journey so far. My love for mobile applications has fueled my motivation to create captivating experiences. For the last 7 years, I’ve been using Unity Engine, Xamarin, Flutter, and native tools to turn my ideas into reality. Now, I can’t wait to share my knowledge with you and continue this amazing journey.

Currently, I am focused on learning machine-learning and AR development. I’m trying to write more about my previous experiences / random thoughts and would love to gather your feedback on it.

If you share a passion for technology, product development, or simply want to connect, feel free to reach out. Let’s collaborate, learn, and create together!